Well done to Territory Generation staff Rebecca McKenzie, Mark Howard, Ririn Vogler and Sam Mills who participated in round two of the Northern Territory National Innovation Games on 22 April. Special congratulations go to Sam, whose team placed first.
The Northern Territory National Innovation Games series is made up of three events (March, April and September 2021) that focus on finding opportunities for businesses in the Territory’s renewable energy economy. Teams spend a day using innovation techniques to generate ideas that businesses can choose to take away and implement. In the April event, Rebecca, Mark, Ririn and Sam acted as industry experts to help their teams innovate solutions to problems in the theme of ‘How might you optimise your energy use today and in the future?’. Sam’s team focused on improving stakeholder planning and collaboration to resolve the power network limitations of a skinny, isolated grid within the property, construction, and trades industry.
Once again, well done to all Territory Generation staff involved for sharing their time and expertise, and congratulations to Sam and his team on their win.

Sam Mills (bottom left) with his team mates.
23 April 2021