
Safety is the highest priority at Territory Generation.

We care about our people and want you to be safe in everything you do. We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of all employees, contractors and visitors entering and working on our sites. We promote safe behaviours and a positive safety culture and strive to remove or reduce risks to our people during the operation, maintenance and development of our plant, equipment and sites.

Work Health Safety Act

Under the NT Work Health and Safety Act we must ensure the health and safety of all workers. This includes contractors while they are on our sites.


A contractor is a worker who carries out work for us and but is not directly employed by us.

Duty of Care

The primary duty of care for health and safety at a workplace sits with the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU).  Territory Generation has a duty to ensure—so far as is reasonably practicable—the health and safety of all workers engaged to work for us.  This duty is owed to a PCBU’s workers, including you as a contractor or subcontractor.

Contractors also have a duty of care as workers under the WHS Act. As a worker, while at work, you have a duty to:

  • take reasonable care for your own health and safety
  • take reasonable care that your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons
  • comply, so far as you are reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction given by the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU)
  • cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the PCBU relating to health and safety at the workplace.

It is important that, as a Contractor, you understand the role and specific work activities you have been contracted to perform. This includes being aware of your health and safety rights and responsibilities as well as Territory Generation expectations and requirements.

Site contact person

Your Territory Generation Site Contact Person is normally the person who is arranging for you to come to site and would be responsible for you while you are on site. They will ensure you are provided with relevant information on site safety requirements including site induction and permit to work training requirements, before you start work. Once you have been inducted and authorised to enter a site: Always talk to your site contact person if you have any safety concerns and always STOP WORK if you believe anything is unsafe.

Access to Apparatus Rules

Access to Apparatus Rules

All Territory Generation staff and contractors must be appropriately authorised to work on Territory Generation plant and equipment under our ...
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Permit to Work

Permit to Work

Safety is Territory Generation's highest priority. We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of everyone who enters and ...
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Safety Management and Mitigation Plan

Safety Management and Mitigation Plan

Territory Generation Safety Management and Mitigation Plan (SMMP) 2024 presents Power Generation Corporation’s (Territory Generation's) approach to safety, relating specifically to ...
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Site Inductions

Site Inductions

Territory Generation is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all employees, contractors and visitors entering and working on ...
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