Announcement of Careflight Sponsorship

Territory Generation is delighted to have entered into an exciting new community partnership with CareFlight, which is focused on our joint mission of helping to keep Territorians safe and well. The partnership is valued at $250,000 per year and achieves Territory Generation’s objective of supporting the community with an organisation who shares our vision and values; and will support CareFlight’s work in the Northern Territory through vital funding and support of assets, events, programs and corporate volunteering, including the CareFlight NT Rescue Helicopter.

There are a number of key elements that we believe make our partnership with CareFlight a perfect fit, primarily due to our shared values of safety, focus, integrity, respect, teamwork and reliability. As our number one priority is safety, the partnership will deliver enhanced safety outcomes to our people, such as emergency evacuations by helicopter or other aircraft if the need arises. In addition, Territory Generation will have an improved collective knowledge about safety. Careflight delivers medical training courses such as the MediSim Trauma Care Workshops, which will provide valuable knowledge as first responders to Territory Generation’s workforce across all regions of the NT. This training will be free of charge to all Territory Generation staff.

The synergies between our organisations extend beyond just safety. Both Territory Generation and Careflight operate in all regions of the NT, 24 hours, seven days per week, 365 days of the year, and our work impacts communities Territory-wide. As a responsible corporate citizen, the partnership will increase brand awareness of what we do and how we operate, particularly in regional areas where we will invest in our future growth. As Territory Generation’s profile develops, it is important for the Corporation to take steps to protect and enhance its reputation in order to be seen as a trusted, safe and reliable electricity generator of choice.  For more information, click here for Territory Generation and Careflight’s joint media release.